{ "name": "Play Stairway to Heaven Online", "short_name": "Stairway to Heaven", "description": "Everyone wants to get to Heaven one day, but it is our life decisions that decide if we go to Heaven or...! Start as a child and keep making good choices to grow up and get to heaven! Do you have it in you to make the right life decisions? Try to get over the obstacles", "icons": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/stairway_to_heaven.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "200x200" }, { "src": "/files/512x512/stairway_to_heaven.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "start_url": "https://win.najox.com/game/stairway_to_heaven", "id": "https://win.najox.com/game/stairway_to_heaven", "scope": "https://win.najox.com/game/stairway_to_heaven", "background_color": "#46bef9", "display": "fullscreen", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#0092d9", "dir": "auto", "display_override": [ "fullscreen", "standalone" ], "categories": [ "games" ], "screenshots": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "350x250" } ] }