{ "name": "Play LadyBug Hidden Stars Online", "short_name": "LadyBug Hidden Stars", "description": "There are some very faint stars hidden somewhere on the screen and it is your task to find them all. Once found, a star must be clicked. Click on all of them in this free online game and you will pass the level. To make it more difficult to play, each next level has a different background. It really intrigues and confuses a bit. However, while playing this free online game, you will see various images of Ladybug, including those depicting her in her childhood. To indicate your luck in reaching some targets, the game makes a sound when you correctly press a star. When all are found, the game congratulates you with a completed level. Also, to tell you how many stars are left, there is an indicator at the top.", "icons": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/ladybug_hidden_stars.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "200x200" }, { "src": "/files/512x512/ladybug_hidden_stars.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "start_url": "https://win.najox.com/game/ladybug_hidden_stars", "id": "https://win.najox.com/game/ladybug_hidden_stars", "scope": "https://win.najox.com/game/ladybug_hidden_stars", "background_color": "#46bef9", "display": "fullscreen", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#0092d9", "dir": "auto", "display_override": [ "fullscreen", "standalone" ], "categories": [ "games" ], "screenshots": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "350x250" } ] }